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The fans forming machine is ideal

for those who want to improve their skills:


If you want to make any eyelash volume in 90 minutes and form a fan in 1 second


If you desire to work less or take more clients with the fans forming machine through the process and skill improvement


If you want to easily conduct any volume after the basic course and immediately form the ideal and symmetric fans for eyelash extension.

The principle of operation of the fans forming machine

With the help of the fans forming machine eyelashes are opened like a fan on the edge of a triangle during the scrolling of the file on which the artificial eyelashes are located.

Thus, we achieve the effect of open eyelashes and take an ideal fan of any volume from the tape. It is like you work with already-made fans.

Types of fans forming machines

  • Mechanical machine for forming fans on the hand

    The mechanical machine, which is fixed on the arm, is located as close as possible to the working area (the client’s eyes) and the eyes of the master, ensuring convenience and speed in work. It is ideal for masters who seek to optimize the eyelash extension process and simplify the formation of fans. The file is scrolled manually using a shaft located directly next to the triangle.
  • Electric machine for forming fans on the hand

    The hand-held electric lashmachine is located in close proximity to the working area (the client’s eyes) and the master, which ensures comfort and efficiency during work. Its ergonomic design helps optimize the eyelash extension process, allowing masters to work faster and with less fatigue. Scrolling through the file is done using buttons conveniently located near the edge of the triangle.
  • Mechanical machine for forming fans

    The mechanical lashmachine is ideal for professional eyelash extension artists who want to optimize their work and simplify the process of forming fans. The process of scrolling the file is carried out manually by rotating the shaft.
    4000,00 4200,00 

Additional materials

  • Tweezers

  • Glove

  • Double-sided tape for fixing eyelashes on a file

  • Semi-triangle for a mechanical lashmaker

  • Triangle for a mechanical lashmaker

  • Triangle to a mechanical machine for the hand

  • A triangle for an electric hand-held machine

  • Files


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